keskiviikko 25. syyskuuta 2013

the one with the massive shadowbox.

i got an order from my best friend to make a huge shadowbox for her russian dolls. it was a birthday present for her little sister.

i had to get the framelists custom-made because we didn't have them as big as i needed. i painted the lists white with acrylics and then finished the whole thing with spraypaint.

for the decorations i sketched some flowers, and then drew them on the frames and hand-painted them with acrylics.

then i glued a stand for the dolls on the bottom framelist with silicone, and then the dolls on to it.
it was a bit tricky to get the glass on it's place because it was so big and the lists were so tight. luckily nothing broke.

here it is finished.

torstai 17. tammikuuta 2013

the one with mother's first shoes.

mom gave me her first shoes for framing, and it was my first shadowbox framework. i spraypainted the box white, and added a rustic-looking frame to it. this is how it turned out.

sunnuntai 13. tammikuuta 2013

the one i loved!

so we have this course at school where we are supposed to customize frames, and this is what i came up with.

me and my sister made these tiny ornaments, we used fimo-paste that you need to bake in the oven for half an hour at 110 celsius. it was fun!

i had painted a basic wooden frame light pink, and i hotglued the ornaments into it. i didn't put the dustcovers at the back because i wanted the picture to be changable.

and this is how it turned out to look like. i'm happy.

the one with my drawings.

just a couple of presents for christmas, nothing new and exciting i'm afraid.